Family Treatments: Treat the household, free dowsing service

Family Treatments

Dowsing for family household members.We have found that treating all members of household/family is far more effective than treating an individual. This is because all members energies are deeply involved and intertwined with each other.

Essence for Allergies

Anzen 24 : this essence can help with sensitivity and allergies by reducing the over reaction of the immune and subtle energy systems. available by using the 'any essence' button on the Ordering Page

Essence for Chakra Closing and Protection

HG Rosea : Protection, closing down and shining! helps to stabilise the chakras and has been seen to create a beautiful glow around your energy. 

Chakras that are too open may also be closed somewhat, so this is good for those who need help with closing down.

Helen Guild Shamanic Clearing phone treatments

Shamanic Clearing Session with Helen Guild BscHons - by phone 

A powerful session that involves live clearing energy of forms that are the root causes of many of your challenges, including cords that keep you bound to past connections. Helen draws on her considerable experience using both traditional Peruvian Shamanic techniques, plant spirit medicine and counselling skills. This session has been specially developed to work effectively over the phone.

1 hour session £55  email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.