Here you will find easy browsing via Categories. Also below there is a complete essence list. If you are new to Petaltones then why not try 'Quick Order popular Sets'. Regular customers and the more deeply curious check out 'New Essences' as we have frequent new additions to the range. For how to use our essences please go to the  'Information' page. Ordering on this site is via Secure Paypal accepting major Cards. (For our Data protection policies and info please go to Ordering page).


Quick Order popular Sets: (UK delivery only, outside UK will require additional shipping costs)


Space Clearing Meta Set (4 x 30ml)

Power Shield Plus - Aura Protection Kit  (4x 15ml) £35.00


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Space Clearing and Aura Cleansing

Aura Protection

Practitioner Set + Kids Set

Essences for Weight Loss, Prosperity, Attract a Partner, Children

Helen Guild Shamanic Tree Essences

Hawaiian Essences

Shamanic Tools: Plant Spirit Essences

New Essences + Sets (lots and lots!)

Complete Essence Products List

Aegis - Aura protection
Akashic - helping to access Akashic Records
Albion Star - powerful earth energy connections
Amorthyst (21 set) (see 21 Set explanations)
Ancestral Light : organic mineral essence, cleanses the ancestral line
Angel fire : triple application protection essence
Ankh (21 Set) (see 21 Set explanations)
Ankh + Arnica Oil - Yang booster
Anzen 24 - Aura protection aimed at allergies
Ash (HG Shamanic)
Astral Clear - Powerful Space Clearing/Aura Cleansing
Aura Blue (21 Set) (see 21 Set explanations)
Aura Flame (21 Set) (see 21 Set explanations)
Aus Rock 1,2,3   Australian Rock essences : (1 is out of stock now)
Be Calm (Flower Fairy Children’s Set)
Beauty (Tantric Singles + Couples Sets) - for positive self worth/image
Beauty (Flower fairy Children’s Set)
Beauty + Patchouli Oil
Black Amber : organic mineral essence for grounding and EMF protection

Black Tourmaline organic mineral essence, EMF protection, psychic protection
Blue Source - energising
Bright Star (Tantric Singles Set) positive self regard
Blue Violet Angel : high frequency essence
Calm and Relax 1+2.
Chakra Tone 1-7 (for toning up and clearing the 7 Chakras Base-Crown)
Creative - to assist the creative flow
Creative with Peppermint Oil
Crystal Charge (for charging crystals)
Crystal Clear (Clearing essence, also part of 21 Set)
Crystal Clear with Frankincense Oil
Crystal Clear with Lavender Oil
Cleansing Angel (Hawaii5) out of stock, (replaced with Mamake)
Clear Eyes SET - for eyesight Chi
Clear 2 Indigo - Multi level aura protection, great just before sleep
Clear 2 Light - Space and Aura Cleansing/Crystal Clearing
Clear Psychic Gateway - clears the gateway at the back of the neck
Clear Psychic Gateway 2    - as above but for triple application
Clearing (Flower Fairy Children’s Set) - aura clearing for the young
Clear Star (21 Set) (see 21 Set explanations)
Clear Tone (21 Set) (see 21 Set explanations)
Copper Beech (HG Shamanic)
Crystal Breeze (plant energy and sound for use on crystals)
Deep Spring (Tantric Couples Set) for energising depleted chakras
EMF Protect - protection for the aura aimed at helping with sensitivity to electronics
EMF Protect and Rose Oil
EMF Protection SET
EMF 2 : triple application essence
Fire Clear (21 Set) (see 21 Set explanations)
Fire Tone - Aura protection
Flow Master  : triple application essence
Gateway Sentinel - protection for the psychic gateway at back of neck
Grief and Separation
Golden Glow - Aura and Space Clearing - great in the bath!

Golden Glow 2 - space and aura clearing, can be used in the bath
Golden Light (21 Set) (see 21 Set explanations)
Golden River (Tantric Couples Set)
Golden Way (Tantric Singles Set)
Hawthorn (HG UK Shamanic Tree Set)
Hazel (HG UK Shamanic Tree Set)
Healing (Flower Fairy Children’s Set)
Healing Flame - aura healing essence
HG Hawaiian Tree 1 - 7 (HG Hawaiian Tree Shamanic Set)
Healing Angel (Hawaii 7)
Hawaii Blue (Hawaii 9)
HG Rosea - chakra protection, helps to close chakras that are too open
HG Shamanic UK 1-6 (UK Shamanic Tree Set)
Independence (Flower Fairy children’s set)
Jasmine (21 Set)
Lama (Hawaii 10)
Leaf 1 Earth Healing
Leaf 2 Water Healing
Love and Support (Flower Fairy children’s set)
Letting Go ( Flower Fairy children’s set)
Light Field 1-10 high frequency essences, set of 10 ( see New essences page for details)
Matrix Gold Set - high frequency essences set of 7 (see New essence page)
Mamake - Hawaiian essence for healing
Metta (21 Set)
Moving Forward (Flower Fairy children’s set)
Mountain Yang (Tantric Couples Set)

Mountain Tone   bring the energy of high mountain to your room and your aura
Naio (Hawaii 6) Yang Booster
New Earth and Heaven (aura protection and grounding)
New Mandala (changes energy patterns)
Oak (HG UK Shamanic Tree set)
Orange Chalice (21 Set)
Orange Carneleon: organic mineral + plant energy essence
Peaceful  Sleep 

Pet Set :  4 essences selected specially for animals                                 

Petrified Rock : organic mineral essence, works well used in sequence with Black Amber
Pink Angel (21 Set)
Planet Earth (Flower Fairy Set)
Plumeria (Hawaii 2) from Hawaii Set
Power Shield (aura protection)

Power Shield 2 : disperse negative enrergy patterns in the aura
(PPA)Plant Ally (UK).  plant spirit Shamanic essence from UK
(PPA)Hawaiian Plant Ally.   plant spirit Shamanic essence from Hawaii
Prosperity Set 1-4
Purple Valley (tantric couples set)
Refresh! - 2022 new essence refreshes and cleanses the aura

Release (21 Set)
Red Hibiscus (Hawaii 4)
Red Jasper : organic mineral+plant energy essence
Rolling Waves HG Tree essence for calming energies
Rose Quartz Healing Angel  - organic mineral + plant energy essence
Safe Space (aura Protection)
Safe Space with Vanilla Oil
Smoky Quartz : organic mineral+plant energy essence
Special 8 (aura Protection)
Shock (Flower Fairy Set)
Shungite : organic mineral essence : EMF and Psychic Protection essence
Silver Genie (21 Set)
Silver Sentinel : triple application essence
Silvery Moon (21 Set)
Soul Star (21 Set) also titled 'Crystal Charge'
Soul Tone (Hawaii 3)
Source 77  ( energising essence)
Space Clearing (Hawaii 8)
Space Master (Aura Protection)
Spirit Ground (21 Set)
Spirit of Abundance
Spirit of Abundance with Arnica Oil
Spirit Path 1, 2, 3 (Thai Spirit Path Set)
Spirit Spring (energising essences)
Stands Alone (21 Set)
Strong and Brave
Sweet Dreams (Flower Fairy set)
Tantric Recharge  1 -4
Temple Flame (aura protection)
Temple Flame with Frankincense Oil
Temple Space - triple application essence
Ti Leaf (Hawaii 1)

Ti Clear 2 tie cutting ancient links a development of Ti Clear
Ti Clear (clearing ancient ties and connections)
Violet Silver Angel (aura protection)
Weeping Willow (HG UK Shamanic Tree Set)
Weight Loss 1-11
White Light (21 Set)
White Spring (21 Set)
XO (special aura clearing essence)
Z14v2 Shamanic Clearing via vaporising
Z14 + oil


You can use the 'Any Essence' button below to purchase any essence/s in any size, but remember to also email us the list of what you want, (otherwise we won't know what to send you!) email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Any Essence : sizes

Q: How to use the Any essence button? UK customers just click on it and select the size(s) and number of bottles, then checkout/pay as usual. Be aware that this button does not specify which essences are required, just the size and quantity. Next send us a covering email with a list of your essences you require. No problem, we do this all the time and it works very well!  (Outside Uk? please just email the list and we will send a payment request directly to include correct shipping for your country.)

Petaltone SETS : (details may be found by clicking on the relevant links to the right of this page
Space Clearing Meta Set , Clearing and Protection set , Power Shield Plus Aura Protection, Aura protection Meta Set, Practitioner 21 Set, Tantric Singles Set, Tantric Couples Set, Weight Loss Set, Prosperity Set, Flower Fairy Set for Kids, HG Shamanic Tree Set (UKTrees), Hawaiian Essence Set, Shamanic Tools Set, Planets Set, Protect from Computer/phone Set, Memory loss Set, Eyesight Set, Chakra Tone Set, Spirit Path Set, Petaltone Pet Set.

Please note that new essences are added from time to time. Check out the New Essences page for updates also.