New Essences -we are continually developing new ones!


      Scroll on down- we have quite a lot of these!!

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Petaltone Transformation Plus  :  10 essence set for deep powerful transformation and realisation of your potential. ( 10ml size £69 + p+p  30ml £119.95 + p+p)

Petaltone Prosperity Meta Set Plus : 8 essence set for enhancing and transforming your ability to manifest prosperity (10ml size £54.95 +p+p. 30ml £99 + p+p)

Power Shield 2 : Clearing and Protection essence

Ti Clear 2 : if you liked Ti Clear then you will probably find this useful, clearing the karmic stuff from deep past

Golden Glow 2 : Clearing Essence new recipe, spray, evaporate or vaporise

Mountain Tone : Bring the energies of the high mountain clarity of spirit into your space and aura with this new essence

all the above essences available on request. All our essences are handmade to order, not factory produced!

Light Field Essences 

Petaltone Light Field essences are ‘High Frequency’ essences that have the component of white light vibrations as well as the more organic earth based energies of plants. Spanning a greater vibrational range therefore they offer interesting potential and can be felt very powerful when applied to the aura in the ways indicated for each one.
The properties of each essence are unique, and these are described individually in the essence Set text, numbering these ‘Light Field’ from 1 – 10.

Light Field 1    Light Field Protection – use for aura protection purposes, evaporate into chakras in the usual way.
Light Field 2    Aura Shielding – protection again, this time applied a few drops at the feet, and offering a boundary for the aura which may otherwise be too open
Light Field 3    Triple Application protection essence builds a profound protection and vibrational stabilising, can be used for example triple application at the Base chakra to reduce fear/panic
Light Field 4    Protecting deep into the core of your energy system, may be applied as usual to the chakras
Light Field 5    Etheric cleansing and removal of negative thought forms, may be applied as usual to any chakras
Light Field 6    Clearing into the different levels of the emotions and dissolving dark and limiting stuff such as fear and other negative emotional content.
Light Field 7    Peaceful Light Field   great for establishing calm and preparing for meditation or quiet healing, may be applied to any and all chakras.
Light Field 8    Mystical feminine powers may be awakened, maybe help to cope with facing the unknown.
Light Field 9    Rose White Light from this energetic essence, a lovely tingling upgrade of your aura vibrations to a sweeter higher frequency. Great in any and all chakras and also in the Bath!
Light Field 10  Golden White Light this essence can be used to increase the frequencies, bless and enhance the aura in any or all chakras, also good in the Bath!

It is also possible that several of these will work well in a vaporiser, although we have yet to run tests on this it is worth experimenting. Prices individually 30ml £13.95 15ml £9.99 10ml £7.45. SET of 10 10ml £69.95 + p+p. email us to place order

Matrix Gold   set of 7 essences are applied in the usual way via evaporation into chakras that have been indicated by Dowsing. But there is a new and very interesting way of focusing this essence treatment session. We begin by sitting quietly and having a little five minutes or so meditation to quieten the mind. Next we set an important specific intention to focus on some achievable safe healing goal for ourselves today. Then we use visualisation/imagination to call up an image of our own self as an energy body. We may see (or perceive in other ways) our own energy field and chakras and then seek to notice where there is a relevant area of disharmony for our session. Usually we are led to focus on this chakra or area quite quickly. Once we have made that connection we use Dowsing to determine which of the 6 essences needs to be applied to which of our chakras in order to help with healing this disharmony. We then apply the indicated essence/s to the indicated chakra/s in the usual way.

The seven essence set 10mls is available from Petaltone UK @ £45.95 + p+p (or 30mls @ £79.95 or 15mls @ £64.95)

‘Mountain Tone’.  

This essence is for use in the chakras, applying via a crystal and also for vaporising. It raises the frequency of the energies and brings the atmosphere of a high mountain into your living/work space. Tests using a cold stream vaporiser showed 10-12% increase in vibrational frequency in rooms that were already pretty good! When used in the personal aura/chakras it attunes the aura to higher frequency vibrations, and also helps to clear any psychic implants that may be present.

On the Emotional Level it increases Compassion, and helps tuning in to the higher level emotions.

If working with a group of people, and they all use this essence, it will help the group to work together in positive interaction.

‘Power Shield 2’

This powerful essence is for Clearing and Protection of the personal aura/chakras It has a profound effect on negative energy patterns and helps with self recognition and positive self belief too. It can be applied to the whole aura, but it is most effective when we dowse which chakras it is most needed to go into.

If you have found Power Shield to be useful, then this will also be useful for you!

‘Ti Clear 2’

The main purpose of this essence is tie-cutting, or de-cording. Ties links and connections with other persons can hang around for a long time, and are not healthy or helpful, sometimes they also drain energy. Dissolving these kinds of connections helps to free us from our past relationships and allows our energy to be more available right now in the present.

If you have used Ti Clear then this will be useful to you. If you wish to clear away the connections from people in your past then this will also be helpful.

‘Golden Glow 2’ 

Great for personal aura/chakra  clearing, space clearing, or for use in the bath. Can be sprayed or vaporised. Astral and Etheric Level cleansing. Use as often as required.

Astral Clear Solstice 2023

Crystal Clear Solstice 2023


Blue Violet Angel

This beautiful new essence offers enhanced high frequency energies that help connect you to higher dimensions, very useful at this time!


Vibrant aura refresh and cleanse

Fire Clear X

This version of Fire Clear is even more firey! Great for energy clearing in the aura and stimulating the Fire Element.

Super Yang

This  new essence is a Yang Bosster for the chakras

EMF Protection Set (Protection from Computers and Phones Set)

Set of 6 Essences for application before, during and after exposure to EMF's. available in all 3 sizes. Set now expanded to include the new 'Black Tourmaline' Organic Mineral essence that is a great one for this purpose (the use of this mineral in this context is highlited by Author Judy Hall )

These may be purchased individually, or as a Set. Link here is for UK deliveries only, outside UK please email so we can include the correct shipping.


(we make no claims and our essences have not been tested scientifically and should not be regarded as replacements for prescribed medicines, however there is not reason why you should not adrress these issues on subtle energy levels and discover for yourself what may be achieved by doing so)

Petaltone 'Deep Level' Essences

All Petaltones work at relatively deep levels in the energy field, but the following are specially for working even deeper, and may not directly relate to physical world symptoms or issues.

New Triple Application Set, with new method of application too!

'Deep Level' for Protection by Layered Application : the following essences are applied 2 or 3 times in sequence, building layers that deepen and strengthen the effects. They are made specially for this kind of application. Be guided as to how you feel as to whether to apply 2 x or 3x in succession, they can be rather strong! These are all protection and clearing essences:

1) Flow Master : clears and protects the central energy in the spine, releases blocks. The Kundalini channel rises through all the Chakras via this central column of energy in the spine. Keeping this clear and flowing can have a profound effect on your vital energy at all levels.
2) Silver Sentinel : builds three levels of aura boundary and protection making it harder for unwanted energies to intrude and giving you more control over your personal energy space.
3) Angel Fire : protection and clearing building strong boundaries that offer an effective defense against energies that may seek to assert dominance and intrude against your will.
4) EMF Protection 2 : aura protection and help against electromagnetic frequencies, to which many are becoming increasingly sensitive, as more and more build up around us all the time.
5) Clear Psychic Gateway 2 : can be used at back of the neck, the psychic gateway that can ve a vulnerable place where unwanted energies intrude.

The following is applied to the floor for creating a protective energy space:
6) Temple Space : place a drop or two in each of the 4 quarters around your feet, and a drop in the middle between feet. establishes a strong personal space with protected boundaries, useful for both meditative pruposes and everyday protection also. establishes a strong personal space with boundaries, a safe environment for meditation, healing yoga and shamanic practises.

all available from petaltone UK outlet, available individually on request  £13.95 30ml £9.99 15ml £7.45 10ml +p+p
Set of 6 30ml £74.95 15ml £49.95 10ml £39.95 +p+p currently these may be ordered on request.

NEW 'Planets Set'

12 essences for the planets  (inc Earth and Chiron) that offer positive energy transformation related to each of the Planets. We made these at the request of Astrolger/Author Judy Hall and they have been used in workshops and semi ceremonial settings to good effect.
available in all sizes. Link below is for UK delivery only, outside UK please email so we can include the correct shipping.

Planet Set - sizes


New 'Chakra Tone' Essences Set  - The Inner Sound of Plants Set

Seven essences for toning, tuning and clearing the 7 main Chakras, these amazing essences contain both natural plant energies and also active Sound Healing Tones that are applied individually to each specified Chakra for clearing and balancing. Strong energies of these essences can realign and transform each Chakra at a deep energy level.

 Link here is for UK delivery only, outside UK please email

Petaltone Pet Set - 10ml £24.99

Four essences selected for their usefullness in treating most pets. Pet 1: Confisence/Self worth, Pet 2: Healing the Hurts, Pet 3: Loving Support, Pet 4: All levels Protection

  Link here is for UK delivery only, outside UK please email

NEW: Dark Violet 10ml size Alcohol Free (less than 1%) all essences available across the range except Z14, leaf 1,2, 1A. £8.45

 Link here is for UK delivery only, outside UK please email 

Petaltone 'Memory' Set to address the aura energies relating to Memory Loss

(Please note we make no claims and this has not been scientifically tested! The essences work on the level of aura energy and should not be considered as replacements for prescribed medical treatments. On the other hand if you are working with the energy levels there is no reason why you should not experiment to find whether use of essences may help with this issue)

Six of our essences have been selected for assisting the energy level healing that may assist memory, the loss of which is a condition that affects many as we age. The essences are selected from across our range of Sets, and you may already have some of these, or you may alternatively wish to purchase them as a set. 'Worthy'(throat chakra), 'Aegis' (throat chakra), 'Silver Genie' (sacral heart and brow chakras), Crystal Clear' (crown chakra), 'Spirit Ground' (solar plexus and brow chakras), 'Hawaii 3 '(heart and brow chakras).  £39.99 for the 10ml set + p+p from UK outlet only.  Link here is for UK delivery only, outside UK please email

We also recommend the use of Rosemary Tea, and Vinpocetine Herb (available online from other suppliers) to help with this serious issue, as these have been found to help.


Petaltone 'ClearEyes' Set to address issues of energies that affect eyesight

(Please note we make no claims and this has not been scientifically tested! The essences work on the level of aura energy and should not be considered as replacements for prescribed medical treatments. On the other hand if you are working with the energy levels there is no reason why you should not experiment to find whether use of essences may help with this issue)

Some people find that the energy around the eyes and the Brow and Throat Chakras becomes cloudy or congested, and using these essences may help to clear it.

Available as a Set (or you can make up your own set as follows: Hawaii 6 : Brow Chakra, Safe Space: at the feet, Power Shield Brow Chakra and White Light : Throat Chakra.)

  Link here is for UK delivery only, outside UK please email

Petaltone Essences Enhanced with Essential Oils  

Please use 'Plus Oils' button to purchase these

Crystal Clear + Frankincense (Aura/Space Clear evaporate or spray)

Crystal Clear + Lavender (Aura/Space Clear evaporate or spray)

EMF Protection + Rose (Protection from electro smog, evaporate)

Ankh + Arnica (super Yang blast! evaporate)

Spirit of Abundance + Arnica (Enhance connection and appreciation of abundance, evaporate)

Beauty + Patchouli (for feeling beautiful being yourself! evaporate)

Temple Flame + Fankincense (creating a protective, sacred space, evaporate)

Creative + peppermint (enhance the creativity)

Safe Space + Vanilla (place on floor or on crystal, special shamanic essence for protection)

Z14 + Lavender (place on the floor or on crystal, specialist Shamanic essence for clearing the etehric)

Petaltone + Oils button  please let us know which one/s you require in message with purchase or via a covering email  Link here is for UK delivery only, outside UK please email

+Oils - Sizes

 Link here is for UK delivery only, outside UK please email

The following New essences may be purchased using the button at the bottom of the page:

'Deep Level' Spirit Path Essences

Amazing new essencesare made by us in Thailand,

Spirit Path 1 raises the vibration of your Astral body including the Lower Astral
Connects Heaven and Earth, brings energies from the most refined levels of high frequency vibrations,  into the Astral Body, gently but powerfully. This helps to calm and heal and bring into alignment, replacing negative and harmful energies.

Spirit Path 2   Transformation Essence
Transformation of harmful energies, especially at the physical level.
Grounding bringing the energies down into the earthly vehicle, calming and steadying
Works in the Fire element and transforms negativity, Mentally stimulating also. This essence keeps coming up in dowsing sessions and is very useful! Discover answers to Questions, via Astral Travel.

Spirit Path 3  Astral Spirit Path / Psychic Gateway

Psychic Gateway essence, helps with aligning the energies at the Gateway at back of the neck, can be useful for those wishing to Astral Travel or who have issues with this. Also may help those whose Astral layers are not quite aligned with the physical.  Connections with people are enhanced. Helps also with being decisive.


 Link here is for UK delivery only, outside UK please email

Aura Protection New Essences

Ancestral Light : new organic mineral essence, cleanses the Ancestral Line, goes a long way back and relieves psychic stress

Rose Quartz Healing Angel organic mineral/plant energy essence excellent for the Heart Chakra

Smoky Quartz  powerful organic mineral+plant energy essence

Shungite new 'organic mineral essence' for protection and shielding. Apply via evaporation to chakras.

Black Tourmaline also new organic mineral essence for protection and shielding, apply via evaporation into chakras.

Black Amber and Petrified Wood best used in sequence, these new organic mineral essences for psychic protection

Violet Silver Angel this new protection essence works in these colours to shield your aura against unwanted intrusions

Anzen 24 new essence to help with allergies and general over sensitivity

New Earth and Heaven  The connection between Earth and Heaven is at the very heart of our lives here on this planet, where we are the only beings who can span and connect these two realms. We offer a powerful new essence that brings a lovely connection to the earth energies, and combines this with a strong link to the spiritual level. The actions of this essence can be noticably felt in each individual chakra to which it is applied.

Temple Flame  Healing and protection essence, via the element of Fire. Also useful for clearing and charging crystals.

HG Rosea helps in cases where chakras are too open, also protection and energising the subtle bodies

Clear 2 Indigo - protection on 3 different levels, this beautiful and powerful new Aura Protection essence is not only a good all round aura protection and clearing but also is particularly good to use just before sleep, alters the quality of dreams.


Additional Healing Essences

Angel of Attunement : new oragnic mineral + plant essence , a powerful link to high frequency Angelic energies

Ancestral Light : new organic mineral  + plant essence, cleanses the Ancestral Line, goes a long way back

Tantric Recharge Set : 4 new essences to recharge the sexual/creative energies  includes Red Jasper, Orange Carnelion, Smoky Quartz and Rose Quartz organic mineral+plant essences

Red Jasper recharges especially sacral chakra

Orange Carneleon powerful energy boost for any chakra, may also be mixed in the hand with Crystal Clear for a potent clearing and charging of the whole aura

Spirit of Abundance reissue : due to popularity a new stock of this essence has now been produced with an updated 'recipe'

New Mandala - works particularly well on the emotional and also spiritual levels creating new energy patterns, so very useful when you are trying to change old energy patterns and move forward.

Akashic apply this essence to the Crown Chakra to help facilitate access of Akashic Records, useful in Regression Therapy.

Mamake  New Hawaiian essence, this is made from a plant used widely by Native Hawaiians, it has an exquisite energy for healing and soothing, and often when applied to a chakra one can feel it's energy travel to a 'trouble spot' in the body where healing then takes place. Beautiful.

Crystal Charge (re-charge) will recharge your crystals, (recommended by Judy Hall in many of her excellent books on Crystals and Psychic Protection)

Creative  helps to structure your energies so that you can create your life, assisting with the relationship between the world of structrure and the world of ideas.

Source 77  connects you with your full potential at a soul level. Works well as a pair with 'Creative'. Between them they help connect you with your life's potential.

Healing Flame  This essence purifies the energies along your central energy column/spine, relieving tension areas and freeing up blocked energy.

Ti Clear   This essence has not been included in any sets, although it goes very well with the Tantric Singles Set, it is for clearing out Atlantean energy patterns that keep us tied to that time, and helps dissolve old ties with persons that date back a long way.


To purchase any of these in UK as individual bottles separate from their sets please click on the 'Add to Cart' below and choose size, then add essence title/s in a covering email listing your choices to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Link here is for UK delivery only, outside UK please email

Any Essence : sizes

 Link here is for UK delivery only, outside UK please email

Please note : we make no claims and our essences are not scientifically tested and are not supposed to replace medical treatments. However in 26 years there are a large number of people who have benefited from their use. Animals also often benefit from their use (animals are not affected by the placebo effect!) We do have a money back policy if you are not happy with your essences.