*Hawaiian Essences*


Waipio 002


Petaltone Hawaiian Set - these beautiful essences are made up to the potency designed for 'Triple Layer Application' see this here:  https://youtu.be/XchE77wg6Q4

Our Hawaiian essences may also be applied 2 or 3 times in succession to individual chakras as desired.

Made in the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii 2000 miles out in the Pacific these unique essences bring the energy of this special place directly into your aura.

Please note at this time we are out of stock with Hawaii 5 and this will be replaced by Hawaiian Plant Ally as we are unfortunately unable to get to Hawaii to make more just now!!

Petaltone Hawaii 1 'Ti Leaf' Key: Spiritual Truth, assists with centering, strengthens and sustains the spirit strengthening and empowering the Spiritual Self. In traditional Hawaiian spirituality this plant was very important in protection and blessing, also purification.

Petaltone Hawaii 2 'Plumeria' Key: enhances communication at a deep soul level, helps with finding soul mates/partners/groups. Levels: Emotional 70% Spiritual 75% Colours: Blue Emotional: assists with self expression and understanding others and where they are coming from. Spiritual: Assists Higher Self communication between people who are in physical proximity. 'Soul Mate' helps communication between strangers.

Petaltone Hawaii 3 'Soul Tone' Key: activates desire for union with the Divine Source. Can be introduced to the aura or sprayed in water into a building to lift the vibrations. Levels: Spiritual, Elements: Fire , Spiritual level: Speeds up evolution via desire for union with the Divine Source. Animals: works in the same way for animals Buildings: can be sprayed or evaporated to impart a spiritual blessing. Useful to set the scene for meditations/ ceremonial.

Petaltone Hawaii 4 Red Hibiscus Deep Healing essence, evapoprate into chakras. and works on the etheric level. Also may be used with a clear quartz crystal for clearing entities. (if you know what you are doing with crystals)

Petaltone Hawaii 5  OUT OF STOCK UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE  this will be replaced by 'Mamake'  Hawaiian Healing essence.

Petaltone Hawaii 6 'Naio' Key: Yang Booster: strongly boosts the masculine aspect at a deep level of the psyche.

Petaltone Hawaii 7 'Healing Angel' Key: Spiritual Healing Essence…use for healing physical problems, works by bringing spiritual energy to bear on these. Physical: 75-85% Spiritual: 90% .Pure spiritual healing essence.

Petaltone Hawaii 8 'Space Clear' Key: Space and Aura Cleansing. Place a few drops in each corner, or evaporate from hot metal surface, or in an oil vaporiser/diffuser with water. Dowse the appropriate number of drops and use a clean vaporiser. Can also be instructed after a few drops have been placed on the ground. For personal Aura Cleansing evaporate into the aura at desired location.

Petaltone Hawaii 9 'Hawaii Blue' Key: Emotional Healing Essence. Clears 'poison darts' in the aura caused by other peoples hatred/jealousy, Assists the 'victim' and those who feel overwhelmed. Release/unblocking the darker emotions. Reduces the overwhelm effect when powerful negative emotions surface. Animals: works the same way for animals Landscape: can be placed on the ground to heal trauma from the recent past (up to 3 years). Useful in the garden or other land area. Dowse to see if appropriate.

Petaltone Hawaii 10 : 'Lama' Key: Centering and bringing together dispersed energies. A beautiful and very powerful blessing essence that brings us into the present and integrates our awareness.

Set in 15ml is £81

Disclaimer: these essences are designed to be used in the very specific ways described. We do not accept responsibility for their use in any other way.


This link is for UK ordering/delivery only. For orders outside UK please email for shipping costs. Set cost in 15ml £81 + p+p (To order these essences individually, please use the 'Any Essence' button on the Ordering Page)